Category: Heating

Why the geyser does not heat water: troubleshooting and troubleshooting

A gas water heater is one of the most popular water heater options in homes with a centralized supply of blue fuel. It is easy to operate, provides the ability to get an unlimited amount of hot water. You must admit that its malfunction can not only bring discomfort, but also disrupt the usual way of life....

How to turn on the gas boiler: manual and useful recommendations for use

Gas boilers are simple and convenient to operate, do not cause maintenance problems, effectively cope with their functional task. They are bought much more often than electric and solid fuel analogs, but not everyone knows that before you turn on the gas boiler in an apartment or private house, you need to carry out preparatory measures....

How to light an Ariston geyser: features of inclusion and safety measures when using

Modern gas devices presented on the market of household water heating appliances comply with all European standards of quality and safety, and at the same time have a relatively low cost. But before you light an Ariston geyser and start using it, the owner must carefully and thoroughly familiarize yourself with its principle actions, operating instructions and safety regulations....

Connecting a double-circuit gas boiler to the heating system: requirements and norms + installation steps

Gas equipment like boiler + water heater is a suitable solution for owners of apartments and private houses: heat is provided, hot water is available, economically. And the connection of a double-circuit gas boiler to the heating system is not as complicated as it seems. But before embarking on the implementation of such a project, it would not be superfluous to get acquainted with the theory, agree?...

Connecting an electric boiler to a gas boiler: the best schemes and work procedures

Thinking of improving the autonomous hot water system to ensure a stable temperature of hot water? You must admit that it’s not pleasant to let out liters of water while waiting for hot water, or to burn yourself when someone from the household opened the tap while you are in the shower. We will help you solve the problem of temperature drops, which annoys almost all users of double-circuit boilers and geysers ....

What batteries are needed for a geyser: how to choose and replace the batteries in the power supply

The geyser is the "heart" of the water heating system of a private house or apartment. Maintenance of this type of equipment requires certain knowledge and skills, right? You do not know what batteries are needed for the gas water heater and how to replace them correctly? We will help to deal with these issues - in this article we will consider the types of batteries used for the gas heater and detailed instructions for replacing it....

The principle of operation of a dual-circuit gas heating boiler and features of its connection

All issues of organizing autonomous heat supply and hot water preparation are decided by the acquisition of one boiler capable of serving both systems. Not knowing the principle of operation of a double-circuit gas heating boiler, it would be illogical not only to make a purchase, but also to operate the unit. Do we agree? We will talk about the operation scheme of the heater, consider all its strengths and weaknesses....

How to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler with your own hands: the best ways to increase the efficiency of the boiler

The owners of gas boilers will not have the desire to overpay for heating the premises. But no one will put up with the insufficient efficiency of the heating device, which leads to a decrease in living conditions, right? Moreover, the situation can often be corrected, and independently. But for this you should have knowledge on how to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler with your own hands....

DIY gas heater: instructions to help home craftsmen

With the onset of cold weather, there is a need to heat the premises. It is not always possible to carry out central or autonomous heating to such premises as a garage, a barn, a corral, a greenhouse. The reasons may be different: lack of funds due to the high cost of connecting such systems or lack of technical ability....